Saturday, January 14, 2012

Storage Quick Tip

Hi I'm Delicia and I'm an organized-aholic. All kidding aside I've loved organizing for as long as I can remember. As the season's change I tend to change also. I go crazy switching things around to better organize our home. My focus has been both of my daughters bedrooms this week.

One thing I'd like to share with you is to never take things you have laying around the house for granted, you just may need them someday. When you're consistently finding ways to organize things you tend to collect all types of containers either being utilized or laying around awaiting a new reason to store things for you. Well my creative juices were flowing today and I totally overlooked the containers that I had on hand and created a wonderful idea for the girls old pencil boxes that were stored away.

I lucked out and found two of them so I didn't hesitate to get to work.  I had to scrub crayon marks out of them but once that was done they were good as new.

Both of the girls have the same chest of drawers and nightstands in their rooms. I'm always talking to Aliya about clutter in the drawers after I help her clean them out. Its not her fault you see cleaning a space without an actual home for items in that space totally sets a person up for disaster later don't you agree? Especially for a little kiddo. Keeping the pencil box opened instead of closing it creates extra storage for things like gadgets or anything small that gets used often. Here we put items like her book light, camera, sd card, cell phone for emergency purposes and her little music players in the compartments.

It fits very well in her top drawer of her nightstand. The top drawers on the girls furniture are lined with some sort of felt-like material for more delicate things which is the dark appearance you see underneath but we decided to put the things that she uses often in this space for convenience. So what do you think? What things have you found around the house that come in handy for your organizing projects?

Organize and Decorate Everything


  1. I love when I can reuse something and solve an organizing problem all at the same time. Love your pencil box idea.

    1. Yes reusing saves money in the long run. Thank you so much for your kind comment and thanks for stopping by.


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