Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Letter To My Valentine

It's funny how things work out. After high school I had ideas to move to Illinois to go to DeVry Institute of Technology to pursue a career in electronics. My recruiter talked me into Ohio because well he sends all of his recruits to Ohio. I said ok. During that time in my life you were in Germany preparing yourself in the Army just in case they needed you in the Gulf War. I never knew you or anything about you.

Somehow you decided after two years it was time to return home and I'd graduated with an Associates Degree in Applied Sciences and decided to stay here. Somehow we both ended up working a temporary job that became permanent for the both of us at a huge cellular phone company. Remember back when cell phones were as big as bricks? Ha!

You were a friend but that's it nothing more. I never thought that one day my work friend would be my husband, the father of my two children. How did this happen? I remember I asked you out on a friendly date because I'd won two tickets to a comedy show not knowing how you really felt about me, how did I not see the signs? Somehow after that night we were attached to the hip and after 16 years and after all of the trials and tribulations. I'm so happy to have you in my life. Did all of this happen due to coincidence? I think not. Fate is a better word. I believe our lives are already written for us but we have the control of adjusting the script. Thank you for being a great father to our children and a great husband to your wife and not to mention a great friend from the start. Happy Valentine's Day My Love.

Can't wait to share many more with you. My Valentine forever and always.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank and thank you once again Laurie. That picture was actually taken several years ago on our first and only cruise. Its one of may fave pics of us together ;-)

  2. What a beautiful couple you two are! I love this post and your blog is great! I'm a new BloggyMoms follower and look forward to your future posts.


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